


We are honored to welcome you into the ranks of this institution’s more than 28,000 alumni. 当你从澳门大学的学生转变为澳门大学的校友, 享受, celebrate and always remember no matter what you do or where you go, 你将永远 属于 给蒙特瓦洛家族. Welcome to the National 校友会 of the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 — your forever connection to the UM family!

校友 share their words of congratulations, encouragement and advice:

你将移山. 不要让别人告诉你不是这样的. 做你生来该做的人. ——Clark Maxwell, 13岁,UMNAA Jr. 董事会

以C开头.O.U.R.A.G.E. ——自信, 重点关注, 不可动摇的信念, 解决, 适应性强的精神, 成长心态, 鼓励别人. ——Tim Lupinacci ' 88, UM董事

顽强的, 足智多谋, 适应性强的, strong, 鼓舞人心的, family – and a class who 经验d UM remotely. 祝贺你! 你永远属于蒙特瓦洛! ——卡伦·凯利,1980年,密歇根大学基金会

Although a different type of celebration, still an accomplishment to be so very proud of. 祝贺你! ——Ann Kimbrough Kelly ' 57

祝贺你们,应届毕业生! Keep your head up, be brave, and know that we (alumni) have your back. 再见!  – Kacie Kilpatrick ’09, Director of Recruitment

祝贺你. 愿你的未来永远成功. ——乔·特纳,60年

做一些你害怕做的事. Don’t live in regret that you didn’t take that scary leap of faith. ——特蕾莎·哈夫,76年

祝贺你的成就. 当你开始下一段旅程的时候, strive to make the world a better and safer place for us all.  ——艾米丽·简·福廷贝里,1969年

?你 did it, you got this, and you will be so amazing! Always look up and always keep moving forward! – Carolyn Jones ’11, former Assistant Director of 校友 Affairs

要有耐心,了解人际关系的价值. 它能让你从人群中脱颖而出. 寻找导师. ——史蒂夫·科马克81年

My Montevallo years are more than just memories. Montevallo is a piece of the fabric of who I have become. ——克里斯·罗亚尔92年

Graduates, congratulations on this huge accomplishment! Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want. ——Demita Williams Wright, 2005

Remember all your life: God, Family, Country, Education, Being helpful to others. ——弗雷德·克劳福德,1968年

不要让挑战定义你. A liberal arts education teaches you to be 适应性强的. Take risks, create your own path and remember you 总是属于 在Montevallo!  – Tiffany Bunt ’00, Director of 校友 Affairs

我为你的成就感到骄傲. 你 are now prepared to change the world for the better.  ——桑德拉·博洛斯,81年

消除恐惧. 你 have already had life tests along with academic tests. 相信耶稣基督,找到你的路. ——蒂莫西·贝罗,1982年

Remain strong during this challenging time because the future is all yours; so now get ready to conquer the world. ——nakatris Walker ' 17

Hope you really listen to your advisors and have informed advisors. 愿上帝与你同在!  Retirement is wonderful but so was medical technology and helping others!  ——69年的德洛丽丝·兰伯特·凯普纳

这个世界是不公平的. However, the true value of life is not what you accumulate, but what you share.  ——Eric sancencio

Shine your light BRIGHT, into a world that needs it. Montevallo will always be there to support your 梦想! - Toni Leo ' 80,前UMNAA主席

祝贺你 on your outstanding accomplishments! 你 have graduated from one of the most prestigious universities that I have ever been associated within my 43 year teaching career.  ——南希·普里克特73年

May dear memories made along these brick streets pave your way to a golden future.  ——特蕾莎·维西,88年

It’s not the cap and gown that will follow you, 但是技能, 人生经验, 友谊让这变得重要.  ——Dot Robinson, 1974年

祝贺你的辛勤工作!! 我为你感到骄傲. 尤其是我的女儿费丝·肯德里克. 伟大的工作!!  ——莎拉·布拉舍,肯德里克89年

你们是优秀教育的受益者. Pursue your 梦想 and allow God to direct you down His path.  ——Tom Whiting ' 79, UM Foundation

凡事以神为先, take chances on what you feel passionate about professionally. 你 will feel best helping others not accumulating wealth — you can’t take it with you.  ——约翰·库斯特拉73年

祝贺你! 你 persevered during a pandemic — I applaud your determination!  欢迎来到校友世界!  ——辛西娅·托德,88年,密歇根大学理事

你的道路是为你自己打开的. Dream big, dream wild and attack those 梦想.  ——克里斯蒂娜·鲍威尔(Christina Powell), 10岁,UMNAA Jr. 董事会

祝贺你! Don’t lose sight of the fact that you are awesome! 这一切都会过去的. ——芭芭拉·贝克,77年

It’s not how you walk in your cap and gown but how you’ll walk in life. ——迈克·林格尔,1970年

你 are entering an economic market that may look like chaos but actually contains extraordinary opportunities! Be creative; be strong!  ——斯泰西·穆恩,1990年,UMNAA董事会

Do what you are passionate about, what makes your heart sing. 你会让自己和别人都快乐. 为你而做. ——梦娜·麦克伦登,76年

Graduates-your弹性, 灵活性, 创造力, and friendships will see you through in this strange and unfamiliar world. 做大事!  ——考特尼·班尼特11岁

My current circle of friends include people I met there.  Praying for you as you enter the next stage of your life.  你r college degree from Montevallo will open up doors you never thought of.  ——雪莉·亨顿·韦尔奇,72年

你 are now equipped to change the world, really! 享受通往梦想的道路. 祝贺新校友.  ——劳尔·赛尔夫,1994年

不要调整你的欲望, 梦想, 和愿望, but create a methodology that will facilitate your glorious flight throughout your life. ——莉莲·巴特勒·莱利,80届

如果? Do not be defined by a question unless you answer it with a statement empowered by knowledge & 经验. ——詹姆斯·C. Gauntt 76

? 你大学毕业了! May your years be rich and fruitful as I hope your Montevallo 经验 was as well! 恭喜! ——坎迪斯·奥斯本·休斯顿

你 were created for a day of rest and holiness. So work and play, then pause, read, nap, and pray. ——马戈·罗德81届校长

你r degree has prepared you for more than a career, it is the foundation to build your life on. ——帕特里夏·卡尔·康奈尔,1982年

祝贺你,毕业生! Let these bricks that have paved your path remind you of your strong foundation in your future endeavors. ——Wesley Hallman, University Advancement

May the door you have opened allow you to use your 经验s at UM make you and the society better. ——雷·琼斯,60岁

A dream is always something just out of reach. A goal is something you work for and achieve for yourself. ——史蒂文·希特,1980年

Throughout history, authentic, wise, soulful, ardent leaders have changed our world. Find that person within yourself and do the same. ——艾琳·奥尔森·格伦,98年

相信自己,勇往直前. Work for what you want and believe in your own worthiness. 你. 是. 有价值的. ——琳达·米勒,1989年

是大胆的! 是大胆的! 有勇气! 有诚信! 是醒来! 很高兴! 接近! 接近! 做你自己! ——芭芭拉·斯隆,72年

祝贺你! Who knows what opportunities and challenges await you. The knowledge and 经验s 在Montevallo will be a firm foundation. Wishing you a fulfilling life of accomplishments and also one of service to your loved ones, 社区和学校. ——乔伊斯·格雷特豪斯(1956

Regardless of what position you hold, develop an attitude of servanthood. Greatness comes to a life led with a servant’s heart. ——Kay Butts-Pruett, 2004年,UMNAA董事会

祝贺这一成就. 更新你的目标并不断实现它们. 保持工作和生活的平衡. 继续推动!!! - Eddie Baker III ' 03, UMNAA董事会
