
June 20, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Featured Falcons: Traci Crenshaw

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Traci Crenshaw, Director of the Office of Veteran & 军事事务(VMA)你来自哪里,你目前居住在哪个城市? I am from Omaha, Nebraska and currently reside in Pelham. If you hold any degrees, what are they in […]

June 16, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Featured Falcons: Freddie the Falcon

Freddie the Falcon here! They say birds of a feather flock together, 这一点在澳门在线赌城娱乐体现得最为明显. When you join the Falcon family, 你加入了几代人的行列,他们决定展开翅膀飞翔,降落在这些心爱的砖块上. But how exactly did we […]

June 6, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Featured Falcons: Alexander Mechitov 

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Dr. 斯蒂芬斯商学院(Stephens College of Business)管理信息系统教授Alexander Mechitov说. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? I have been living in Montevallo for the last 23 years. My wife and I came here […]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Easton Fothergill: Overcoming Obstacles and Reeling in Victories

打从记事起,钓鱼就是伊斯顿·福瑟吉尔生活的一部分. A member of UM’s champion fishing team, the senior relishes spending time outdoors, 呼吸着新鲜的空气,看着日出和日落,他一直对这项运动充满热情. “I was born into it,” […]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

GREAT MINDS: Richardson Talks Psych, Pain and Passing the Torch

的确,一门大学课程可以塑造你的整个未来. 伊丽莎白·贝琪·理查森的案例,这是心理学入门课程. While the Florence native didn’t start out as a psychology major, 当她了解到这个学科的物理方面时,她的兴趣被激发了. “There was one chapter that we covered […]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Q-and-A with Bryan Marcus ‘99

Your home: Washington, D.C. Your hometown: Marion Tell us about your family. My husband, Richard, works here in Washington. He’s a research fellow at a think tank. I have two older sisters who both attended Montevallo. My parents still live in Marion. What is your profession? I am a State Department Foreign Service officer. The […]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Kridakorn Provides for Future Falcon Family Members

By the time Dr. Kittilax " Apple " Kridakorn 1970年毕业于蒙特瓦洛(当时的阿拉巴马学院), 人们以为她之前已经是学生了,因为她花了很多时间在砖块上. “My brother attended Montevallo before me,” Kridakorn said. “I spent so many weekends down there my senior year. Montevallo has always been my […]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

UMNAA Dinner Honors 2024 Homecoming Award Recipients

澳门大学全国校友会于2月9日庆祝了其2024年返校奖的获得者. 在安娜欧文餐厅举行的返校颁奖晚宴和年度商务会议上. Jim Vann ' 76获得了杰出校友奖,这是UMNAA的最高年度荣誉. Dr. 伊丽莎白·加塞尔·珀金斯04年获得娜塔莉·莫尔顿奖[…]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories


3月11日,大学社区成员聚集在安娜欧文食堂参加年度奖学金表彰午宴. This event, hosted by UM’s Office of University Advancement, 允许资助奖学金的捐赠者与从他们的慷慨中受益的学生见面, and gives those students an opportunity to express their gratitude. […]

May 29, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories


“At this school, we are pure as gold,学生会主席Colton Rodano作为Gold Side的学生宣布, alumni, friends and family filling Palmer Auditorium on Feb. 17, broke out into screams, cheers and even tears. 这句获胜的流行语表明,2024年大学之夜和返校节周末以金牌胜利告终. […]

May 23, 2024 | More Montevallo Stories

Featured Falcons: Zach Banks

扎克·班克斯从大一入学的第一天起就知道自己属于澳门在线赌城娱乐. 他和他的父亲在搬进来的那天很早就出现了,为把他的东西搬到富勒楼三楼的房间做了漫长的准备. To their […]

May 20, 2024 | Press Releases

Featured Falcons: Audrey Crawford

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Audrey Crawford, executive director of Admissions. Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in? 我来自阿拉巴马州的格林斯博罗,目前住在蒙特瓦洛. If you hold any degrees, what are they in and from what schools? A Bachelor […]