September 29, 2022

University of Montevallo 和 Trenholm State Enter into Student Transfer Partnership

The University of Montevallo signed a transfer agreement with Trenholm State Community College 周二,9月. 27, marking its sixth 连续体 Transfer Pathway Program partnership with community colleges throughout the state.

The partnership begins immediately.

“It’s great to have a new partnership with Trenholm State,” said Dr. 约翰W. Stewart III, president of UM. “We’re all in the same enterprise together 和 we’re all about our students’ success. Paving a smoother path for Trenholm State graduates to finish their education at Montevallo is not only the right thing to do, but it was a lot of fun.”

Trenholm is a public, historically Black, Southern Association of 大学 和 Schools Commission on 大学 accredited community college in Montgomery, 阿拉巴马州. The college was founded as a merger between John M. Patterson Technical College 和 H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College.

The partnership allows Trenholm students who earn an associate degree or at least 45 transferable credit hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, to transfer to UM through the 连续体 program. While still students at Trenholm, they get a UM student ID, access to the McChesney Student Activity Center, can participate in extracurricular activities 和 student life events , use UM’s online digital library, receive pre-transfer advising 和 career advice  from the Learning Enrichment CenterFalcon Success Center 和 possibly a $2,000 Montevallo scholarship, renewable for one year.

They’re also eligible for the Transfer Academic Recognition 和 Transfer Minority scholarships.

“This is monumental for our college,” said Dr. Kemba Chambers, president of Trenholm. “This is our first articulation agreement with the University of Montevallo, so it’s big.”

“We love that Montevallo has the M.A.D.E. program that helps minority students, being that we have a high population of students who are minorities. This is a great investment for them 和 provides another avenue for our students to transfer after they finish at Trenholm, 和 just go 60 miles up the road to Montevallo.”

Dr. 塔米Dahle, vice president for enrollment 和 student affairs, said Trenholm reached out to UM about the partnership, which Montevallo was excited about.

“They’re a great school in Montgomery 和 we want to build those bridges throughout the state so we can bring lots of different students from different cultures to make our campus even more inviting to other students,”她说。.

Other colleges UM is partnered with through 连续体 include Jefferson State Community College, Lawson State Community College, Shelton State Community College, Snead State Community CollegeWallace State Community College.